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Your Attitude

Writer: Muyiwa MepaiyedaMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

OUR ATTITUDE gives us a chance at life. It shows up in everything we do.

When we adopt a posture of indifference, the weight becomes heavier and heavier. But when our attitude is right, we are relieved.

The right attitude is this: that I have my own will, yet I will the will of God - Watchman Nee.

John the Baptist understood this and said: "This is the assigned moment for him (Jesus) to move into the center while I slip off to the sidelines." (John 3:30)

It's time for you to do the same.

The Narrative

AFTER THE DEATH of Samuel, David and his men went into the wilderness of Paran.

A certain man lived in Moan. This man was very rich: he owned 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats.

It was sheep shearing season which was celebrated with feasting and generosity.

This rich man's name was Nabal—and his wife's name was Abigail.

Attitude to life

NABAL was mean-spirited and bad-tempered, but she was smart and beautiful. (1 Sam. 25:1-3) He was described as a disgrace to his people.

Unlike Nabal, God wants us to be kind to one another, sympathetic and forgiving each other as God has forgiven us through Christ. (Eph. 4:32)


Something is wrong if you belittle those you are called to serve

Attitude to Fellowmen

FROM David's hiding place, he sent ten men to Nabal, asking for gifts.

But Nabal said: "Who is David? Who is this son of Jesse? I've never heard of him, so he must be nothing more than a slave who abandoned his master." (1 Sam. 25:10)

When he spoke harshly to David's servants, he lost the chance for redemption.

Something is wrong if you belittle those you are called to serve. If you talk of their weak points in contrast with your strong points, forgetting that there's nothing you have that has not been received, you know nothing about God's love.

Attitude to Possessions

THE ATTITUDE of saints toward their possessions most assuredly signifies whether they continue to preserve their self-life or whether they have consigned it to death - Watchman Nee.

Nabal's attitude to riches spoke of his heart. He had so much, yet he wasn't willing to share.

Are you willing to share?

Attitude to Things

THE REMARKABLE THING is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day - Chuck Swindoll.

David was angry when his servants related Nabal's response. He told his men to strap their swords, and 400 of his men followed him.

But one of Nabal's servants recognized his master's insolence and quickly told Abigail.

He told Abigail that evil was coming if she didn't do something.

Attitude to a bad situation

ABIGAIL knowing the stakes gathered gifts similar to what her husband would have offered. She sent her servants ahead of her. Then, she rode down a hidden trail. (1 Sam. 25:20)

She knew nothing is so sour that a good attitude can't sweeten it - Woodrow Kroll.

When Abigail met David, she spoke like someone who knew God's plans.

She said: Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, God would bound your life securely, and the lives of your enemies he will hurl away from the pocket of a sling. (1 Sam. 25:29)

She aligned herself to God's Will, and her soft words changed David's mind.

Attitude to sin

THE GREATEST DAY in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up - John C. Maxwell.

When Abigail confronted Nabal about his attitude, there was no remorse, but fear gripped him.

God struck him ten days later, and he died.

Bringing it Together

WHILE ABIGAIL was concerned about Nabal's attitude, he wasn't bothered.

God's Word reveals that He is not as concerned about the depth or extent of the sin. Instead, he is about our attitude and response when confronted with it - Nancy Leigh DeMoss.


© 2016 by Muyiwa Mepaiyeda. 

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