THE ENEMY doesn't care how many days you live, as long as you don't live in the days – TD Jakes.
He was after Peter and Jesus told him the Devil had planned to sift him. But he has prayed for him. (Luke 22:31)
Satan tried to stop the children of Israel from making it to the promised land. So anytime they encountered a problem, they complained.
They murmured against Moses at the red sea. They grumbled against him at Mara. (Exod. 14:10-12; 15:24-25)
And when the spies returned from Canaan, ten of them sowed doubts in people's hearts. (Numb. 13:31-33)
Even his siblings criticized him for marrying a non-Jew. Then, they asked if the Lord spoke only through him. (Numb. 12:1-2)
They did not live in their days—and God was angry with them.
TO LIVE IN your day is to live in reverential awe.
One way of doing this is hiding His Word in your heart. (Ps. 119:11)
Moses basked in awe of God, and the children of Israel could tell that he was a man of His Presence.
They were afraid to come near him when he returned from the mountain of God. (Exod. 34:30-35)
But that did not stop them from going after other gods.
They asked Aaron to make some for them in his absence. They provoked God. (Exod. 32:22-24)
MANY OF US have lost the awe of God because we have become so familiar with Him.
However, since we are receiving our rights to an unshakable kingdom, we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe. (Heb. 12:28)

TO LIVE IN your day is to make good use of your moments.
Mary, the sister of Lazarus, understood this well. So she sat at the foot of Jesus when he visited their home, listening to what he taught. (Luke 10:39)
Rahab knew where to seek help and hid the spies when the soldiers came. (Josh. 2:1-5)
So be very careful how you live, not being like those without understanding, but live honourably with true wisdom, for we live in evil times. Therefore, take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes. (Eph. 5:15-16)
If a Christian does not want to please God, something is wrong.
TO LIVE IN YOUR DAY is to be wise.
Paul warns that you make sure no predator makes you his prey through misleading philosophy and empty deception based on traditions fabricated by men. (Col. 2:8-9)
Philosophy is the height of human wisdom—and it can be appealing. But, when you allow it at the pulpit, people are misled.
The wisdom of this world is sensual, selfish and demonic. But the one from above is pure, gentle, obedient and full of mercy. (Jam. 3:17-18)
Peter employed earthly wisdom when he told Jesus that he wouldn't die. And Jesus replied: Get behind me, Satan. (Matt. 16:23)
But when Jesus said: Who do men say I am? Peter employed the wisdom of heaven. He said: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Matt. 16:16)
Which one do you employ?
YOU CAN NOT live in your day without giving God pleasure; neither can you say that you love God without wanting to please him.
The more you know Him, the more you want to please Him.
If a Christian does not want to please God, something is wrong because giving God pleasure is the core of Christian living.
God took delight in Abraham, and he's called a friend of God. (Jam. 2:23)
Enoch walked with Him, and he was not because God took him. (Gen. 5:24)
Paul desired God. So he said: That I may know Him; the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. (Phil. 3:10)
Do you know Him? If you do not know Him, you cannot please Him.
GIVING HIM pleasure begins with acknowledging you are a sinner who needs a saviour.
Confess your sins and ask Him to forgive you. Tell Him to be your Lord and Saviour.
Now that you have done this, you can please Him.
Go into the week knowing you are made for Him as you live in your day.