I CAN FIND MY WAY HOME from there,” he said.
Officer Peter O’Hanlon was on patrol when he heard a quivering sob—it was a little lad in the shadows sitting on a doorstep.
"I’m lost. Please take me home,” said the boy.
“Where do you live, child?” “What street?”

“I do not know,” the boy replied.
The officer began to name the streets in the neighbourhood hoping to help him remember where he lived.
He repeated the names of hotels and shops, but nothing helped. Then, he remembered a well-known church with a towering cross in the centre of the city.
He pointed at it, and the boy’s face brightened.
“Take me to the cross.” “I can find my way home from there.”
The Narrative
IT WAS THE PASSOVER, and Jesus shared the bread, and the cup with his disciples.
He proceeded to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.
“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done,” he prayed.
He was in so much agony, and an angel of the Lord strengthened him.
Then, he came to his disciples, he woke them up and urged them to pray. But as he talked to them, a crowd came, and they arrested him.
They took him to the council of elders, who connived against him.
The elders were like gatekeepers, those that one will call the harbingers of progress, but they shut the door on the people—it seemed like systemic cruelty.
The following day, he stood before Pilate, but Pilate found no fault in him.
He would release Jesus, but the people shouted, “Crucify him, crucify him.” (Luke 23:21)
Pilate granted their request, and they led him to Golgotha where they crucified him with two criminals, one on each side.
He said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
Place of Separation
THE THIEVES represent the two groups of people that live: the righteous and the wicked. The cross is the place of the divide.
When the criminal on the left hurled abuses at Jesus, the one on the right told him to stop. He knew that Jesus was innocent and did not deserve to die.
Take me to the cross
Place of Forgiveness
THE MAN ON THE RIGHT knew that it wasn’t about what he had done, but what he must do. To be with Jesus in eternity, he needed to have him now.
He understood that the punishment fitted his crime and wanted it to end quickly, but not before he made a request.
He said, “Jesus, remember me when You come to Your kingdom!” (Luke 23:42)
And Jesus said to him, "Truly, I say to you. Today, you'll be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)
Both were guilty and couldn’t save themselves, but they had equal opportunities to be saved—the one on the right reached out in faith while the one on the left didn’t.
Both wanted to be saved, but one had a saving faith: he repented and confessed Jesus publicly. Jesus saw something good and forgave him.
Place of Hope
ON THAT NIGHT, many people lost hope.
They had thought that Jesus would take back the Kingdom of Israel from the Romans and give it to them, but they were far from the truth.
It was his darkest hour—Jesus was at the brunt of everything, but he turned on the light and forgave their sins.
To some, forgiveness had become a forgotten virtue. But Jesus reminded them why it was so important to forgive.
At the cross, forgiveness played out in a very humbling way—it gave them hope, and humanity had the chance to live again.
Has anyone offended you? God wants you to forgive. Let go, let God.
AT THE CROSS, the man on the right found his way home. He knew that Jesus could love and forgive, and he asked for it.
There is no bliss in anxiety, no delight in persisting challenges. The way to take the stress out of the distress is to trust Him with your life.
Life is short. Eternity is long! The Cross of Christ is the way home.
It's time to choose how you want your story to end.